HASD Facilities Request Form and Information
March 30, 2023
The Hempfield Area High School will undergo major renovations beginning July 2023, and it is estimated that the work will continue through August 2026. During this time, there will be limited access to the school facility and surrounding grounds. Parking and accessibility for events and activities on the high school campus will be limited.
Requests for the use of school facilities as outlined in Board Policy 707 will be limited during this time. The safety and well-being of all will be taken into consideration with the scheduling of all events and activities. First preference will be given to the use of district facilities for school-operated programs. The middle and elementary school facilities may be scheduled to accommodate activities and events typically held at the high school. Flexibility will be needed as weather conditions may require facility use requests to be rescheduled to accommodate school events. The administration will consider each request, the associated needs, and availability.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as the Hempfield Area High School is revitalized.