Parents » Student/Teacher Observation Request

Student/Teacher Observation Request

Teacher Observations, Pre-Student, Student Teacher and Guidance Counselor Internship/Practicum Placement Requests


Elementary Education (K-5) and Secondary (6-12)



Teacher Observation/Early Field Hours

Please provide the following:

  • Contact the school principal to schedule your hours.  You will coordinate the observation hours directly with the building staff.
  • A letter of request on university letterhead.
  • For those requiring 10 hours or more, please provide all clearances (Act 34, Act 151, Act 114, and TB Test/Health Statement).  They must be turned in to the Elementary/Secondary Education Office (located in the Administration Office Building-4347 State Route 136, Greensburg) two weeks PRIOR to the student’s start date.  No free volunteer clearances will be accepted for child abuse history certification and PSP criminal history certification according to the Pennsylvania Department of Education guidelines. This rule is also true for the Department of Education FBI Background Check clearances.
  • Arrest/Conviction Report form PDE 6004

Pre-student, Student Teacher, Intern, or Practicum Student

Please provide the following:

  • A letter of request on university letterhead.
  • The time frame (start and end dates) of the placement.
  • The guidelines for the responsibilities of the student and the cooperating teacher.
  • All clearances (Act 34, Act 151, Act 114, and TB Test/Health Statement)  must be turned in to the Elementary/Secondary Education Office (located in the Administration Office Building-4347 State Route 136, Greensburg) two weeks PRIOR to the student’s start date.  No free volunteer clearances will be accepted for child abuse history certification and PSP criminal history certification according to the Pennsylvania Department of Education guidelines. This rule is also true for the Department of Education FBI Background Check clearances.
  • Act 126 - Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse Mandated Reporting Training
  • Arrest/Conviction Report form PDE 6004

Once clearances are received, Human Resources will issue a photo ID to wear at all times in the building.  Name badges MUST be returned to Human Resources when the student’s placement is completed.  If you have additional questions, please contact:

Elementary K-5

Dr. Kimberlie Rieffannacht


[email protected]


Secondary 6-12

Dr. Matthew Conner


[email protected]



Hempfield Area School District School Contacts


Fort Allen Elementary School

Mr. John Behrendt, Principal

Phone:  724-850-2501

Fax:  724-850-2502

[email protected]


Maxwell Elementary School

Mr. Jeffrey Kozuch, Principal

Phone:  724-850-3500

Fax:  724-850-3501

[email protected]


Stanwood Elementary School

Mrs. Lauren Bruener, Principal

Phone:  724-838-4000

Fax:  724-838-4001

[email protected]


West Hempfield Elementary

Mr. Chris Brasco, Principal

Phone:  724-850-2780

Fax:  724-850-2781

[email protected]


West Point Elementary School

Mrs. Lyndsey Scarpo, Principal

Phone:  724-850-2270

Fax:  724-850-2271

[email protected]




Harrold School

Mr. Jason Lochner, Principal

Phone:  724-850-2301

Fax:  724-850-2302

[email protected]


Wendover Middle School

Mr. David Vezendy, Principal

Phone:  724-838-4070

Fax:  724-838-4071

[email protected]


West Hempfield Middle School

Ms. Deanna Mikesic, Principal

Phone:  724-850-2140

Fax:  724-850-2141

[email protected]




Hempfield Area High School

Dr. David Palmer, Principal

Mrs. Sheila Albright, Secretary

Phone:  724-834-9000

Fax:  724-850-2090

[email protected]