The Hempfield Area School District elementary report card and grade reporting system will be updated for the 2024-2025 school year. During 2023-2024, a team of teachers and administrators from all grade levels, subject areas, and elementary buildings worked diligently to analyze our current report card systems, discuss grading practices, and determine a more cohesive approach moving forward. This area of our website will house many communications, updates, and opportunities for you to interact with the new reporting system as we approach and begin the new school year. The new report card is a standards-based document that will show your child’s progress on Pennsylvania Core Standards, to which our curriculum is aligned. The report card will use one reporting scale for all indicators. We will release timelines for reporting, sample report cards, and opportunities for parents to discuss how progress is reported as the summer progresses and the school year begins. Below are links to communications that have been sent out thus far. This page will be updated as dates are scheduled and items are released. Thank you for partnering with us in your child's education.
The Hempfield Area School District uses the Bridges in Mathematics program for grades PreK-5. The Bridges program blends problem-solving and skill building in a clearly articulated program that moves through each grade level with common models, teaching strategies and objectives.
The following link will provide you with Unit Overviews, Frequently Asked Questions and Tips on how to help your child in Bridges:
The Hempfield Area School District uses American Reading Company (ARC) Core ELA curriculum in grades K-5. The ARC program is grounded in the science of reading, ARC Core provides resources to meet the English literacy needs of students at any level in our learning environment. This program includes extensive reading, writing, research, and analysis which allows students to develop agency and expertise in a wide variety of topics, preparing them for the future. Please see links below for more information.
The Hempfield Area School District utilizes Fundations and Heggerty for Phonics and Phonemic Awareness instruction in grades PreK - 2. These programs are designed to provide direct literacy development instruction to our youngest learners. Each program is delivered during the English Language Arts block of time daily.
The Hempfield Area School District uses the Carolina Biologic science kits to support our science instruction in grades K-5. These kits are hands on and allow students to explore scientific concepts through hands on activities and the scientific method.
The Hempfield Area School District utilizes The Great Body Shop to support our Health Curriculum in grade K-5.
The Hempfield Area School District utilized McGraw Hill's Impact Social Studies for grades 3 -5 Social Studies content. This resources focuses on students inquiring about topics related to Pennsylvania Social Studies standards.