Baseball » Parent Bylaws

Parent Bylaws

Bylaws of the

Hempfield Baseball Parents Club


The name of this organization shall be the Hempfield Baseball Parents Club. Hereinafter known for the purpose of these bylaws as HBPC.


Article I - Mission Statement

The mission of the HBPC is to provide organized support and financial resources for the baseball program at Hempfield Area High School.


Article II - Officers and Elections


1.  The officers of the organization shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.


2.  Elections of officers shall be held at the last HBPC meeting of the year.  This is usually at the completion of the varsity baseball season in May. Elections should be held in May but can occur later by Board approval. However, all elections of officers must occur no later than the end of the school year (student's session).


3.  All Board positions will have a term of one year.  Individuals can be re-elected as a Board Officer but cannot exceed two (2) consecutive terms with any elected position.


4.  The Vice President shall chair the nominating committee which shall be comprised of a maximum of three HBPC members. Any member whose son is currently a Freshman, Sophomore or Junior can serve on the Nominating Committee.   The HBPC President can appoint the members for the Nominating Committee if there are no volunteers or in cases when the number of volunteers exceeds the required number. The Nominating Committee can accept nominations from the floor or poll the membership by phone to inquire of an individual’s interest in running for office.  The Nominating Committee will be chosen at the April meeting of the HBPC.


5.  Voting for officers shall be done by written ballot prepared by the Secretary.  Ballots will be counted and verified by the Secretary and two member volunteers.


6.  Voting for officers for the new year must be done by membership of current Freshman, Sophomore and Junior parents only. One vote per family regardless of the number of players in a given family.


7.  To vote, a parent/guardian must be in attendance at the HBPC election meeting in order to be eligible.


8.  An office term will run a total of 12 months from July 1 through June 30 of each year.


Article III – Finances


1.  The elected Officers must approve all bills for the HBPC.


2.  Funds collected for the HBPC shall be given to the Treasurer and deposited to the HBPC account.


3.  The Treasurer accounts shall be examined annually by an outside auditor or an audit committee of not less than two (2) members who will review the ledger and sign a statement verifying it is accuracy.


4.  Any and all costs for insufficient-funds shall be the responsibility of the person writing the check and shall include any service charges assessed by the banking institution.


5.  Expenses over $1,000 must be approved by a majority vote of the HBPC membership. The Board is encouraged to seek approval in all cases by the membership of HBPC. However, in time-sensitive cases, expenditures equal to or under $1,000 can be approved by majority vote of the Board.  In cases where a tie vote of the Board occurs, the HBPC membership must be polled.  Polling can be done by phone, email or text messaging in cases where a regular meeting is not planned.


6.  All checks will require two Board signatures, one of which shall be the Treasurer. Approved officers for signature shall be President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary.


Article IV - Duties of Officers

1.  The President shall preside at all meetings of the HBPC and shall enforce observance of the bylaws. The President shall also designate and appoint all committees.


2.  In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall perform the duties of the President.


3.  The Secretary shall keep an accurate record of all meetings including a permanent record of the minutes of each meeting. The meetings may be taped to help assist the Secretary.


4.  The Treasurer shall receive all money belonging to the HBPC and deposit it in the name of the organization. The Treasurer shall pay all bills upon direction of the HBPC and its officers. The Treasurer will provide a financial report at each meeting.


5.  The Board will appoint a parent representative for each team (Freshman, JV and Varsity) to serve as a liaison for communications and information.


Article V - Membership


1.  Membership in the HBPC shall consist of those parents/guardians whose son is a current member of either the Freshman, Junior Varsity or Varsity Baseball teams at Hempfield Area High School.


2.  In cases where voting is required, the allotment is 1 vote per family regardless of the number of players from a given family.


Article VI - Fund-Raising Events


1.  Funds raised as a group activity effort remain a group fund and cannot be divided or used for individual or personal gain.


2.  Individual accounts may be kept for optional fund raisers with Board approval.


3.  Specific fund-raisers approved by the Board may have individual "banks" for participating players. In that, money raised by/for a specific player may be earmarked as a personal bank for that specific player. Once an individual player cap is met, any additional funds raised by/for that player will be placed in the general HBPC account. The Treasurer or his/her designee is responsible for monitoring and auditing these player-specific banks. In the event that a player’s bank does not meet the required amount needed for a specific event (trip, tournament, etc.), the cost differential becomes the full responsibility of the player’s parent/guardian.


4.  Obtained funds must be deposited within seven (7) days after completion of the event.


Article VII - Meetings


1.  General membership meetings of the HBPC can be on an "as-needed" provided there is a minimum of three (3) each year.


2.  The President may call a special meeting as deemed necessary provided all members receive direct, verbal or electronic (voice mail, e-mail or text messaging) notification a minimum of 24 hours prior to the meeting date and time.


3.  A quorum shall consist of a minimum of ten (10) members in good standing. Any motion brought before the quorum must pass by a majority vote of parents present at the meeting.  In cases where a quorum is not present the vote will be cast and decided by the Board.


4.  Normal Order of Business

·  A.    Attendance

·  B.    Approval of Minutes from Last Meeting

·  C.    Treasurer’s Report

·  D.    Committee Reports

·  E.    General Business (old and new)


 Article VIII - Ways and Means


1.  An operating budget shall be established for the HBPC. Although this may not always be possible, the Board shall present budget recommendations for each year at the first membership meeting.


2.  Fund-raising may be undertaken to establish revenue for the club.


3.  The HBPC will direct fund-raising events to ensure a minimum of $2,500 remains in the HBPC treasury account for the following year.


Article IX - Dissolution of the HBPC


1.  In cases where it becomes necessary to dissolve the organization, all liabilities will be paid and any remaining funds will be turned over to the Hempfield Area School District.  The School District has the right to dissolve the Parents Club if it is found to not be in established standards of conduct for Hempfield parent/booster clubs.


Article X - Bylaws

1.  A copy of the bylaws will be retained by the HBPC Secretary

2.  A quorum of members present during a general meeting may propose additions or amendments to the bylaws.  The proposed amendments cannot be voted upon until the next HBPC membership meeting. Amendments must be read by the Secretary and discussed with membership prior to voting.  All proposed changes or amendments to the bylaws must also be documented in the meeting notice prior to the meeting in which they are to be voted upon.


Article XI - Authority

1.  Robert's Rules of Order (Revised) shall govern this organization in all instances in which its regulations are applicable and in which they are not consistent with the bylaws of the Hempfield Baseball Parents Club.