Home School Visitor » Homeless Information

Homeless Information

Education for Homeless Children and Youth

The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act was established in 1987 and amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015. The Act defines the term “homeless children and youths” as individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.

The federal mandate ensures that homeless children and youth have access to the same free and appropriate public education as other children. Children who are homeless may qualify for assistance with school lunch, school supplies, tutoring and transportation so that they can remain in their school of origin.

If you believe that your child may qualify for this service, please contact the Home and School Visitor.

Darci Markovic 724-850-2059 

Heather Bungard - Director of Pupil Services 724-850-2229


Westmoreland County Housing Authority- 724-832-7248

Westmoreland Non-Profit Housing Corp. Eastmont Estates site- 724-838-0818

Westmoreland County Department of Public Assistance- 724-832-5200

PA Career Link Employment Services- 724-755-2330

Angel Food Ministries through Life Spring Christian Church- 724-832-7514

Homes Build Hope- 724-838-0752

Habitat for Humanity- 724-523-0308

Westmoreland Community Action -Next Step Housing Program 724-834-1260

Referral Line- PA 211 Southwest- 1-800-222-8848

Westmoreland County Food Bank- 724-468-8660

Welcome Home Shelter- 724-838-9133

Blackburn Shelter- 724-836-1122

The following numbers may be able to assist with first month’s rent and/or security deposit: 

Christian Layman’s- 724-834-4464

Westmoreland County Housing Authority- 724-832-7248

Catholic Charities- 724-837-1840

Salvation Army- 724-834-3335