Technology Department » Securly Parent Portal

Securly Parent Portal

The Hempfield Area School District subscribes to the Securly Content Filtering solution. Securly monitors and tracks all web content originating from the School District and on district-issued Chromebooks. As part of this solution, the Technology Department receives alerts when students attempt to access blocked content and/or search flagged phrases. We are now extending this service to families to monitor content accessed or attempted to be accessed by their students using district-owned Chromebooks.

Securly will generate an email invitation using the email recorded within Skyward. If you do not receive an email invite or cannot access the system, please first verify with your student's building secretary that your family email is accurate within Skyward. Additionally, Securly is uploaded on a weekly basis to reflect updates made within Skyward and invites are sent to new family members and those with updated information within Skyward each Monday. Any additional issues will be managed by Securly by emailing [email protected]

Please see the documents below from Securly for additional information on their solution.