Act 34
In 1973, the General Assembly amended the Public School code with the passage of Act 34 (P.S. Sections 7-701.1). The Purpose of the Act was informational; to ensure that no major school construction would be undertaken without making certain facts and details of a project known to the public.
To this end, any time that a School District plans to build a new school building, or to expand an existing building by more than 20% of its architectural space, as in this instance, the School District must approve and publish maximum building construction and project costs, conduct a public hearing in the format of a legislative hearing upon twenty days notice and provide a printed brochure detailing the need, plan, costs and other features of the project at least fourteen days in advance of the hearing.
The agenda of the Act 34 Hearing held on April 17, 2023, and the Presentation are linked to the District's website under "Our District," "School Board." and then "Agendas."